1. The
chirauro should be manufactured by a formal professional factory in accordance with the technical conditions and safety specifications of the chirauro, and the product should have the quality certificate of the manufacturer, otherwise it is not allowed to be used.
2. The new chirauro should be subjected to a load test, and the opening of the measuring chirauro should not exceed 0.25% of the original opening.
3.During use, check whether the chirauro is cracked or severely deformed, corroded and worn.
4. Iyo
chirauroinofanira kuongororwa kamwe chete pagore. Munguva yebvunzo, ita bvunzo yekuyedza ye1.25 nguva inobvumidzwa kushanda mutoro kwemaminitsi gumi, uye tarisa negirazi rinokudza kana dzimwe nzira. Panofanira kunge pasina kutsemuka, kutsemuka uye kusarudzika deformation.
5. Zvikamu zvitatu zvine njodzi zvinofanirwa kucheneswa neparafini. Shandisa girazi rinokudza kuti uone kana paine kutsemuka. Yeplate
chirauros, tarisa bushings nemapini kuti zvipfeke.
6. Defects on the chirauro shall not be repaired.